Stainless Steel Rust Prevention Tips
1. Protective Coatings
Steel corrodes through what is called “uniform attack corrosion.” This means corrosion occurs uniformly over the entire surface of the metal that is exposed. Equipping steel with a protective coating is one of the most effective ways to prevent uniform corrosion from occurring. The coating acts as a barrier between the steel and corroding agents such as rain, humidity, and salt. Preventative coatings, most of which are easy to apply, come in various forms and can be oil or water based.

2. Metal Paint
Painting over a metal surface is one the easiest and most affordable ways to prevent corrosion. A layer of metal paint can serve as a protective barrier against moisture and other corroding agents. However, since paint itself is susceptible to chipping and deterioration, it is important to re-apply it whenever wear occurs.
3. Steel Lubricant
Paint does not work as well on steel parts that move, such as hinges, joints, and bearings. Typically, painting over moving parts will cause them to stick and the paint will crack when the part is forced. This is where a water-based lubricant can come in handy. Along with allowing easy movement, a lubricant will also repel moisture that can cause corrosion.

4. Galvanized Metal
Galvanization is the process of applying a thin layer of zinc to protect steel from corrosion. Because zinc is more chemically active than steel, it oxidizes when exposed to air allowing it to serve as a protective coating. The process of galvanization requires industrial chemicals and extremely hot temperatures. Therefore, only trained professionals should perform galvanization!

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