Aluminum Coil

An aluminum coil is a long, thin strip of aluminum that has been rolled onto a spool. It is typically used in various industries, including construction, automotive, and manufacturing. Aluminum coils are available in a range of alloys and tempers, each designed for specific applications. Some common alloys include 3003, 5052, and 6061. The tempers of aluminum coils range from soft (annealed) to hard (full-hard). Aluminum coil can be customized and cut to specific lengths, making it ideal for a wide range of applications. It can also be processed further through services such as slitting, cutting-to-length, leveling, and shearing to meet the needs of various industries. Overall, aluminum coil is a versatile material that offers excellent corrosion resistance, strength-to-weight ratio, and easy formability. Its widespread use in various industries is a testament to its versatility and effectiveness.

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Aluminum Coil Grades

3003 Aluminum Coil 5083 Aluminum Coil 1050 Aluminum Coil 1060 Aluminum Coil 1100 Aluminum Coil 3004 Aluminum Coil 3105 Aluminum Coil 5052 Aluminum Coil 6063 Aluminum Coil 6061 Aluminum Coil 7050 Aluminum Coil 7075 Aluminum Coil 7005 Aluminum Coil

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