Stainless Steel Sheet

A stainless steel sheet is a flat steel plate made of stainless steel, which is an alloy of iron, carbon, and at least 10.5% chromium. The most commonly used grade of stainless steel for sheets is 304, which offers good corrosion resistance to many chemical corrodents as well as industrial atmospheres and marine environments. Additionally, stainless steel sheets are highly versatile due to their strength, durability, and hygienic properties, making them suitable for applications in a wide range of industries, from construction to food production to small appliances. When worked, stainless steel sheets may become slightly magnetic, but they are not heat treatable.

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Stainless Steel Sheet Grades

316 Stainless Steel Sheet 304 Stainless Steel Sheet 316L Stainless Steel Sheet 304L Stainless Steel Sheet 321 Stainless Steel Sheet Duplex 2205 Stainless Steel Sheet 904L Stainless Steel Sheet 430 Stainless Steel Plate 310S Stainless Steel Sheet 309 309S Stainless Steel Sheet 201 Stainless Steel Sheet

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