420J1 has a certain abrasion resistance and corrosion resistance, high hardness, and its price is a category of lower stainless steel balls. It is suitable for working environments that require ordinary stainless steel requirements.

420J2 Stainless Steel Belt is a brand of stainless steel produced according to the US ASTM standard; the daily standard SUS420J2, new national standard 30Cr13, old national standard 3CR13, digital code S42030, European standard 1.4028.


420J1 stainless steel: After quenching, high hardness, good corrosion resistance (magnetic) 420J2 stainless steel quenching, increased (magnetic) than 420J1 steel.

Generally, the quenching temperature of 420J1 is 980 ~ 1050 ° C. The hardness of the hardness of 980 ° C was significantly lower than 1050 ° C when heating oil quenching. After 980 ° C, the hardness of HRC45 ~ 50, 1050 ° C after quenching the hardness of 2HRC. However, the tissue grains obtained after 1050 ° C were thicker and crispy. It is recommended to use 1000 ° C for heating and quenching to get better tissue and hardness.

The hardness of the 420 series steel is roughly in HRC52 ~ 55 after heat treatment, while the performance of various aspects such as damage tolerance is not outstanding. Because it is easier to cut and polish, it is suitable for the production of tools. 420 stainless steel is also called "blade -level" Matri Steel. The 420 series steel is low because of the carbon content (carbon content: 0.16 ~ 0.25) and the rust resistance is excellent. Therefore, it is an ideal steel for the production of diving tools.

Which is suitable for manganese steel and 420J2 high -hardness stainless steel?

Well, it depends on what the main purpose is. The two cannot be compared by hardness or strength. The main purpose or material advantage of manganese steel lies in a wear -resistant occasion, while the advantages of 420J2 stainless steel (also known as 3CR13) are reflected in anti -corrosion.

Therefore, the occasion that simply requires high hardness and does not require corrosion, of course, is better to use manganese steel. The price is relatively low. If you need to use it under corrosion, you must use stainless steel. After all, it contains 13%chromium (CR), which still has great advantages in corrosion resistance.

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