Aluminum rolls are widely used in electronics, packaging, construction, machinery and other industries. There are many domestic production enterprises, and production technology has caught up with developed countries. There are many types of aluminum rolls according to the metal elements contained in aluminum rolls. Let me introduce it below.

1000 series aluminum roll

The aluminum roll representing the 1000 series is also called pure aluminum roll. In all series, the 1000 series belongs to a series with more aluminum content. The purity can reach more than 99.00%. Because it does not contain other technical elements, the production process is relatively simple and the price is relatively cheap. It is a series commonly used in conventional industries. Most of the products in the market are 1050 and 1060 series. The low aluminum content of the 1000 series aluminum plate is determined according to the two Arabic numerals. For example, the 1050 series two Arabic numerals are 50. According to the principle of naming international brands, the qualified products are qualified only by more than 99.5%of the aluminum content. my country's aluminum alloy technology standard (GB/T3880-2006) also clearly stipulates that 1050 aluminum plates have an aluminum content of 99.5%. Similarly, the aluminum content of the 1060 series of aluminum plates reaches more than 99.6%.

2000 series aluminum roll

The aluminum plates representing 2A16 (LY16) 2A06 (LY6) 2000 series have high hardness characteristics, of which the copper content is high, about 3-5%. The 2000 series aluminum plate is aviation aluminum, which is not commonly used in conventional industries. There are very few manufacturers producing 2000 series of aluminum plates in China. Quality cannot be compared with foreign countries. Imported aluminum plates are mainly provided by South Korean and German manufacturers. With the development of my country's aerospace industry, the production technology of the 2000 series of aluminum plates will be further improved.

3000 series aluminum roll

Represents 3003 3003 3A21. It can also be called anti -rust aluminum plate. The production process of 3000 series aluminum plates in my country is relatively backward. The 3000 series aluminum plate is mainly composed of manganese. The content is between 1.0 and 1.5. It is a series with a good rust -proof function. Commonly used in humidity environments such as air conditioners, refrigerators, and bottom of the car. The price is higher than the 1000 series. It is a commonly used alloy series.

4000 series aluminum roll

The aluminum plate represented by the 4A01 4000 series is a high silicon series. Silicon content is generally between 4.5-6.0%. It belongs to building materials, mechanical parts, forging materials, and welded materials; low melting points, good corrosion resistance product description: have the characteristics of heat resistance and wear resistance

5000 series aluminum roll

Represents 5052.5005.5083 series. The 5000 series aluminum plate is a series of commonly used alloy aluminum plates. The main elements are magnesium and the magnesium content is between 3-5%. It can also be called aluminum -magnesium alloy. The main features are low density, high tensile strength, and high extension rate. The weight of aluminum and magnesium alloys is lower than other series in the same area, so it is commonly used on airlines, such as aircraft fuel tanks. It is also widely used in conventional industries. The processing process is connected to the linked rolling, which is a hot -rolled aluminum plate series, which can be oxidized and deep processing. In China, the 5000 series aluminum plate is one of the relatively mature aluminum rolls.

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