1060 aluminum plates are very similar to 1050 aluminum alloy, and the weight of aluminum weighs more than 0.1 %. This is the case for 1050 and 1060 aluminum plates in Shanghai Anghui Aluminum. It meets the ISO standard, but covers different ASTM standards. The 1060 aluminum plate contains 0.05 % copper, so its conductivity is 55 %. In addition, the strength of the 1060 aluminum plate is relatively low, and it is basically pure aluminum plate with a variety of different arson conditions, such as O (annealing), H12, H14, H16, H18, etc. In addition, other aluminum plates belonging to the commercial pure forging series are available, including 1050, 1070, 1100, etc.

The 1060 aluminum plate belongs to pure aluminum plate, and the aluminum content is 99.6 %. Its chemical elements and performance are similar to 1050 aluminum plates, so they can sometimes be replaced by each other. The MG in 1060 aluminum plates is 0.03 %, ZN is 0.05 %, MN is 0.03 %, TI is 0.03 %, V is 0.05 %, FE is 0.35 %, others are 0.03 %, and the rest are aluminum. Haomei aluminum can meet the international standard of 1060 aluminum plate. 1060 aluminum plate does not require very complicated processing technology, so it is much cheaper than other aluminum alloy. The specifications of 1060 aluminum can be cut into size with Haomei aluminum. The thickness is usually 0.2mm to 4.5mm, the width is 100mm to 2600mm, and the length is 500mm to 16000mm.

1060 aluminum plate performance advantage:

1. It has excellent molding characteristics, high corrosion resistance, good welding and conductivity.

2. The technology is mature, and the price has a huge advantage over other high -end aluminum alloy;

3. Have the world's leading 1 + 4 hot rolling production line with a high -high capacity of 450,000 tons;

4. The product layout is smooth, the geometric size is accurate, and the surface is shiny and the alkali washing effect is good, which can achieve the A -level A -brush experiment.

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